Tourism Today – Crashed or Crumbled?

The biggest employer in this world is the tourism industry that has major constituents such as hotels, resorts, airline companies, ground transport fleet, restaurants, etc., as enablers. February 2020 brought a death knell to the entire industry that has put the investors, owners & employees in a state of animated suspension that is unprecedented with more than a billion people directly or indirectly depending on it for a livelihood stunned at the happening & looking into eternal darkness. For many, it sure is the end game.  Has tourism crash-landed or has it crumbled to pieces? I believe the answer is both.

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Evolution of the transportation industry

Just to walk around is travel.  From the using legs to move around, men had started using sledges as early as 7000 BC and he was on wheels as per known ancient transportation history by 2000 BC. Today, people stream around in jets, will soon be using the hyperloop and not far in the future, tele-transportation will be a reality. The real transformation of travel began with the invention of steam-cars and fossil fuel vehicles. The only driving factor behind this evolution is innovation, though a few may not have been necessitated.  If there is one industry that has adapted

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